On Mon, 12 Jul 2021, David Anthony wrote:

> Hello,
> Does anyone using the combination of CWM+Xterm+Tmux+Vim have any advice
> for dealing with Copy/Paste? To/From Browser?

I use urxvt instead of xterm, but I guess you can achieve something
similar or at least close enough.

I have key bindings on vim to copy to and paste from the clipboard
selection.  Yes, I know there are special registers for this, but
I can't hammer them inside my dumb head, so I have this in my vimrc:

" copy and paste from system easily
nnoremap cp "+p
nnoremap cP "+P
xnoremap cy "+y

On tmux, every copy operation goes to clipboard selection too (I use vim
like keys for that):

# Vi copypaste mode
set-window-option -g mode-keys vi
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi v send-keys -X begin-selection
bind-key -T copy-mode-vi y send-keys -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "xclip -selection 

On the terminal itself, I use Ctrl+Alt+c (or v) for copy (or paste).  In
the end I end up only using the paste function, as I'm almost always on
a tmux session and prefer to copy that way.
For this to work one used to have to configure some perl extension.  Not
sure if that's the case anymore, because I cannot see that config on my
.Xresources  In any case, that's of little use to you if you use
a different terminal emulator.

On the browser Ctrl+c and Ctrl+v copy and paste from the clipboard
selection.  So there you have it.

> It feels like I'm dealing with multiple "layers" of keybindings and I'm
> curious if anyone has devised a simple unified solution.
> Respectfully,
> David Anthony

Paco Esteban.

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