On 2021-08-22, Scott Vargovich <ke8...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Let me preface what I'm about to say:  I'm a long time Linux user, but I'm
> very much a novice to openbsd.  I know the list says to "do your homework"
> before posting here, but I don't even know where to begin to do the
> homework you're suggesting.
> Here's the error I'm getting while attempting to install qutebrowser and a
> number of other packages:
> Can't install libsoup2.72.0 because of libraries library sqlite3.37.12 not
> found

Either you have a mismatch of versions (e.g. running -current snapshots
and trying to use 6.9 packages, or running an older version e.g.
6.8 or earlier and trying to use 6.9 packages), or you have updated
but not run pkg_add -u.

If this doesn't help, show these:

cat /etc/installurl
pkg_info | grep sqlite
echo $PKG_PATH     (might be blank)

> I believe there's some sort of symlinking I need to do to point to the
> right sqlite3 library

This is never the right answer. (Sometimes it can temporarily
get you out of a hole if you are running snapshots and have
updated to a new version and new packages aren't yet available,
but still the _right_ answer in that case is to wait for new

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