I live in a rural area with poor broadband.  T-mobile is introducing a
cellular based home internet plan and if the speeds are 1/3 of what they
tout, my bandwidth will increase 20x.

This would be stationary and I would build to that goal.

I found there is usb support for the Quectel EC25 but a list search did
not show pci-e.


This chipset is available in a pci-express card and there is a base hat
for the Rasberry Pi's 40-pin connector.


I'd prefer a Gigybyte ethernet port on the arm64; Rasberry
Pi4/M3/BPI-M2, Banana Pi, Nano Pi.  These appear to be Realtek or


Is there pci-e interface support for the Quectel EC25?
Broadcom (bge) vs Realtek (re) NIC's; is one better supported than the other?

J. Scott Heppler

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