[apologies in advance for top-posting]

bgpd(8) is excellent in many ways, and I am SO very grateful it exists.  (Thank 
you Henning, Claudio, Peter and everyone else who has contributed to it over 
the years!  It has straight-up saved my bacon a couple of times.)

But one feature it does not yet AFAIK have is Additional Paths 
("additional-path", or just "add-path") [1].  This is where a BGP speaker 
advertises not only its "best" routes, but *all* its routes, to its peers.  The 
FIB remains unchanged, but the RIB can grow very large in a well-connected AS.  
Since each router now knows all the available paths through every other router, 
convergence is - at least in theory - sped up quite dramatically, and you 
mostly avoid the "hole" described.  It's not a perfect solution but it works 
very well.

If you're brave enough, at least some versions/forks of Bird/Quagga/Zebra have 
support for add-path.  I wouldn't recommend running these on OpenBSD, generally 
speaking - bgpd(8) is more appropriate 99.999% of the time - but you might find 
it worthwhile, depending on your needs.  Be particularly careful of any routing 
software that lacks the ability to affect kernel routes - unless you're just 
running a route reflector, that will change your design *significantly*.

Or, as Stuart said, running a "proper" IGP like OSPF could bridge some of the 
gaps you might see.  YMMV.

P.S. From what I heard a few years ago, OpenBSD isn't completely ignoring 
add-path, it's just 

[1] https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7911

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-m...@openbsd.org <owner-m...@openbsd.org> On Behalf Of Sebastian 
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2021 3:38 PM
To: misc@openbsd.org
Subject: Re: bgpd, announce to ibgp from 2 routers, prefixes only show up from 1

Stuart Henderson(s...@spacehopper.org) on 2021.11.13 00:11:08 +0000:
> I have a pair of -current routers running bgpd (let's call them rtr-a 
> and rtr-b) on a subnet which also has some vpn gateways and firewalls.
> These routers provide a carp address which the vpn gateways are using 
> as default route. There are some networks behind the vpn gateways (a
> /32 to accept incoming vpn connections and some other prefixes that 
> vpn clients are numbered from).
> rtr-a and rtr-b have static routes to those networks, and they have 
> network statements in bgpd.conf to announce them to their ibgp peers 
> ("network set nexthop XXX" etc) so the paths are 
> reachable from the rest of the network. (This is replacing an existing 
> setup using ospf, trying to remove routing protocols from machines 
> that don't really need them).
> It is working but something seems a little odd - the paths are 
> announced from both routers briefly and show up on the rest of the 
> network from both rtr-a and rtr-b. But after a few seconds, rtr-b 
> receives these paths from rtr-a, and then rtr-b stops announcing them 
> itself. (they stop showing in "bgpctl sh rib out" on rtr-b; "bgpctl sh 
> nex" does correctly identify the associated nexthops as connected/UP).
> Is this expected/correct behaviour?

It is expected: once rtr-b receives the route from rtr-a, it will run the route 
decision process on it. IF both routers are configured identically except for 
the router-id, one of the routes will be prefered at either the "oldest path" 
or the "lowest bgp id" criteria.

As only one route is a best route, that one will be annouced to the neighbors. 
However this is IBGP. In a set of IBGP connected routers, a router will not 
announce a route to other IBGP peers that it received from on a IBGP session. 
Thus, rtr-b will stop announcing that route.

When rtr-a goes down, the session is shut down or the prefix is filtered, bgpd 
wont see the "better" route anymore and announce its own instead.

> I'd prefer to have them announced from both rtr-a and rtr-b, so 
> there's no blackhole period if rtr-a is restarted while rtr-b figures 
> out that it should start announcing them, etc. (No need for tracking 
> carp state in this case, I'm not using stateful pf rules on the traffic 
> involved).

This is a place where ospf might give you faster failover, especiall y with the 
redistribute ... depend on ... syntax.
> If rtr-b stops seeing the prefixes from rtr-a (either by taking down 
> the ibgp session, or by filtering) I see the announcements from both 
> rtr-a and rtr-b again. So the obvious workaround is to filter, but I 
> thought I'd ask first in case it's something that is better handled by 
> code changes rather than config.

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