On 2021-12-06 13:49 +03, Maksim Rodin <a23s4a2...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Hello
> I have the following unwind.conf:
> ```
> cat /etc/unwind.conf
> fwd1=
> fwd2=
> forwarder { $fwd1 $fwd2 }
> preference forwarder
> ```
> and an automatically generated resolv.conf:
> ```
> cat /etc/resolv.conf
> nameserver # resolvd: unwind
> lookup file bind
> ```
> I may not understand the purpose of unwind correctly but I expect the
> unwind to respond to DNS queries using the forwarders it is pointed to
> in its config.

That is one purpose, and you configured it do exactly that.

> But when I do:
> ```
> nslookup dc.mydomain.ru
> ```
> It says:
> ```
> Server:
> Address:
> ** server can't find dc.mydomain.ru: SERVFAIL
> ```
> And I see in the logs the following:
> ```
> unwind[8550]: validation failure <dc.mydomain.ru. A IN>: no signatures from 
> for DS ru. while building chain of trust
> ```
> The DNS server on definitely knows about the host
> dc.mydomain.ru
> When I ask that DNS server directly:
> ```
> nslookup dc.mydomain.ru
> ```
> It returns the correct answer
> So the unwind daemon seems to always query root name servers instead of my two
> servers.
> Is that the expected behavior?

It does not do that. I talks to your two servers. But it tries to do
DNSSEC validation: "no signatures from for DS ru."

So something is odd. When unwind starts or learns about new resolvers it
checks if they can do DNSSEC validation. It the equivalent of this:

dig @ +dnssec . NS
dig @ +dnssec . NS

and got a response it liked.

$ unwindctl status

probably outputs something like

1. forwarder    validating

So it knows the root zone is signed and your forwarders hand out DNSSEC
information, but for some reason your forwarders do not answer to

dig @ +dnssec ru DS

No idea why.

> -- 
> Maksim Rodin

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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