On Sat, Dec 18, 2021 at 12:25:26PM +0100, Jan Stary wrote:
> On Dec 18 08:49:33, h...@stare.cz wrote:
> > This is current/amd64 on a PC (dmesg below).
> > 
> > After boot, I log into X, running cwm,
> > an xterm, and a script(1) of this.
> > 
> >  |-+= 14944 root /usr/X11R6/bin/xenodm
> >  | |-+= 56178 _x11 /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 vt05 -auth 
> > /etc/X11/xenodm/authdir/authf
> >  | | \--- 57333 root X: [priv] (Xorg)
> >  | \-+= 91925 root xenodm: :0 (xenodm)
> >  |   \-+= 68368 hans /bin/sh /etc/X11/xenodm/Xsession
> >  |     \-+- 25576 hans /bin/sh /home/hans/.xsession
> >  |   \-+- 91387 hans cwm
> >  |     \-+= 20802 hans /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm
> >  |       \-+= 19542 hans -ksh (ksh)
> >  |         \-+= 28689 hans script /tmp/suspend
> >  |           \-+- 11621 hans script /tmp/suspend
> >  |             \-+= 52575 hans /bin/ksh -i
> >  |               \-+= 27287 hans pstree
> >  |                 \-+- 12714 hans sh -c ps -kaxwwo user,pid,ppid,pgid,comm
> >  |                   \--- 07440 hans ps -kaxwwo user
> > 
> > 
> > >From that same xterm, I suspend with zzz.
> > The messages of devices being detached are also below.
> > 
> > Upon resume (messages also below), the xenodm login screen
> > is there again - the session has been killed.
> > None of the above processes is running.
> > The xenodm login does not take keyboard input.
> The same thing happens when zzz is called from cron
> while I am in X.
> But it does not happen whne I am switched to the console:
> both zzz from the command line and zzz from cron
> resume back to the console just fine;
> swithing back to X then, it's all still there.
> What is it that makes the difference,
> apparently resulting in killing the X session?
>       Jan

This sounds a lot like the following known bug:


I work around it by switching to a different virtual console before

This is the command I use to lock my X session, switch vts, and sleep:

    xlock -startCmd 'wsconsctl -f /dev/ttyCcfg display.focus=0 && zzz'

For that to work, I need to have access to /dev/ttyCcfg. I added
/dev/ttyCcfg to /etc/X11/xenodm/{Give,Take}Console (handled the same
way as the other devices files in those scripts) to solve that. I can't
comment on the security implications of doing that.


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