Hi all,

I just wanted to check for new firmware versions:

$ fw_update -n
fw_update: unknown option -- -n
usage:  fw_update [-d | -D] [-av] [-p path] [driver | file ...]

This used to work and is still documented like this in

$ man 8 fw_update
     -n      Dry run.  Do not actually install or update any firmware
             and whether it appears to be required by a driver.
(also https://man.openbsd.org/fw_update)

But /usr/sbin/fw_update does not contain this option anymore and
consequently produces the error above.
This mismatch puzzles me a bit and I'm even more confused when looking
at https://cvsweb.openbsd.org/src/usr.sbin/fw_update/ which has been in
the attic for the last 6 years.

I'm guessing I'm just uninformed and don't understand CVSweb but I'd
like to learn, so:
Is the documentation for fw_update outdated?
Where do I actually find the version history of the fw_update that is
installed on my system in CVSweb?

My system:
$ head -1 /etc/motd
OpenBSD 7.0-current (GENERIC.MP) #200: Fri Dec 24 22:15:01 MST 2021

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,

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