
I'm using OpenBSD 7.0.

While building a pf ruleset, I found out that trying to nest macros
results in syntax errors, unless the original macros were defined
with double (nested) quoting (e.g.: "''" or "\"\"").

I've read the man pages and the OpenBSD FAQ, but could not find any
internal reference to this. I was able to fix my ruleset thanks to a
post on serverfault [1]. Yet, I was not able to nest macros more
than one level deep, since triple quoting the macro value also
triggers syntax errors.

Is this limitation expected ? If so, how can I help to have it
documented somewhere ?

Thank you,


Attachment: publickey - lists@olivarim.com - 0xFD5D9CF2.asc
Description: application/pgp-keys

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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