It is just a warning, you can ignore it.

I am not going to change my processes to ship a tar file without "."

Rob Whitlock <> wrote:

> Attempting to extract xenocara.tar.gz while avoiding root proviliges as
> described here, I ran into an
> error, shown below:
> 0 thinkpad$ pwd
> /usr/xenocara
> 0 thinkpad$ ls -a
> .  ..
> 0 thinkpad$ tar xzf /home/rob/openbsd_files/7.0/xenocara.tar.gz
> tar: Access/modification time set failed on: .: Operation not permitted
> 1 thinkpad$ ls -a
> .          3RDPARTY   Makefile   data       doc        font       share
> ..         CVS        README     dist       driver     lib        util
> .gitignore MODULES    app        distrib    etc        proto      xserver
> 0 thinkpad$ cd ..
> 0 thinkpad$ ls -ld xenocara
> drwxrwxr-x  16 root   wsrc    512 Jan 12 21:43 xenocara
> 0 thinkpad$ id
> uid=1001(rob) gid=1001 groups=1001, 0(wheel), 9(wsrc)
> 0 thinkpad$
> Running ktrace on tar shows that tar is trying to set the mtime of ., which
> corresponds to /usr/xenocara, with the function futimens, which fails.
> According to the man page for futimens, if the times argument is non-NULL,
> which is the case here, then the caller must be the owner of the file or
> the superuser. For an unprivileged user, this is not the case, as, although
> /usr/xenocara has group wsrc, it has owner root.
> Running tar tzf xenocara.tar.gz shows an entry for . which seems to be
> causing this problem. If you instead run tar xzf xenocara.tar.gz -s
> '/^\.$//' to omit only the . entry when extracting, there is no more error.
> There is a side effect to adding this -s option, which is that
> /usr/xenocara's mtime gets updated to the time the tarball extraction took
> place, as opposed to the time that was recorded for . in the tarball. I
> don't know whether updating /usr/xenocara to the mtime that was recorded in
> the tarball was intentional behavior or not.
> If updating the mtime of /usr/xenocara was not intentional behavior, it
> would seem to me that the fix for this problem would be to not include the
> . directory when making the tarball xenocara.tar.gz. I was unable to locate
> any code that was responsible for creating xenocara.tar.gz so I have not
> included a diff. If anybody could tell me where that code is then that
> would be appreciated.
> As another issue, extracting ports.tar.gz as a non-privileged user in /usr,
> as described in the document whose address is given above, results in
> failure due to lack of permission, as a normal user does not have access to
> create the /usr/ports directory.
> I am running a snapshot of OpenBSD 7.0 that is only a few days old.

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