On 2022-04-08, Stuart Henderson <stu.li...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2022-04-08, Stefan Hagen <sh+openbsd-m...@codevoid.de> wrote:
>> Mihai Popescu wrote (2022-04-08 05:17 CEST):
>>> Since my computer is struggling with chromium and I suspect it's the
>>> disk access being too slow, I want to map the directory accessed by
>>> chromium ( i think it is ~/.cache) into the memory.
>>> Looking in the man, i spotted rd, but i think i need to setup this in
>>> the kernel.
>>> The next choice is tmpfs.
>>> The next one is mfs.
>>> I have no experience with this stuff, so does it worth to take this 
>>> approach?
>>> If so, what is the recommended fs, please?
>>> Is it possible to map/mount a directory from a partition only, or is
>>> it the entire partition only accepted as a mount argument?
> Just as with a disk/network filesystem, you can mount it at whatever
> directory you like. So directly over /home/username/.cache is possible.
>> I haven't played with rd or tmpfs, but this works:
> rd is for creating the "ramdisk" kernel for the installer or similar
> use-cases.
> tmpfs is disabled in GENERIC kernels, so you'll need to build your own,
> and hope you don't run into the reason for it being disabled.
> mfs is probably right for this case (but do check speeds though;
> for Mihai's use-case it seems likely to be better, but a decent SSD is
> likely to be same/faster than mfs.

Since someone complained offlist that I didn't include figures:

# cd /mnt/mfs; for i in `jot 5`; do dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1m count=990 2>&1 
| grep bytes; done
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.641 secs (392976029 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.627 secs (395040864 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.660 secs (390203934 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.693 secs (385398220 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.688 secs (386081589 bytes/sec)
# cd ~; for i in `jot 5`; do dd if=/dev/zero of=foo bs=1m count=990 2>&1 | grep 
bytes; done  
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.311 secs (449182544 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.314 secs (448454320 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.303 secs (450684315 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.303 secs (450627092 bytes/sec)
1038090240 bytes transferred in 2.311 secs (449121684 bytes/sec)

Obviously it is going to vary by hardware, I have seen a bigger
difference before. In this case the drive is a SATA-connected Samsung
860 EVO 500GB (plain not softraid crypto) on an AMD EPYC running i386.

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