On 2022-05-04, Marcus MERIGHI <mcmer-open...@tor.at> wrote:
> Hello!
> I need to block http/s traffic, but only for some Host: header values.
> I.e. domain "xyz.abc" should be reachable, domain "klm.opq" not, both
> behind the same IP.
> This rules out blocking with PF. 
> I looked at relayd(8)/relayd.conf(5) next. 
> I found "from address[/prefix]" in the "FILTER RULES" section. 
> But relayd.conf(5) does not seem to have a table option for this
> purpose, as pf.conf(5) does.
> So it would take one config line per IP or Network; with 
>         $ wc -l /etc/pf/geoallow
>         20649 /etc/pf/geoallow
> this would bloat my relayd.conf quite a bit :-)
> Have I missed something in relayd.conf(5)?
> Any other ideas to solve the task?
> Thanks in advance for any pointers!

Maybe redirect connections from the PF table to a different port, then
handle the two ports differently in relayd?

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