On 2022-05-06 12:00 -04, Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net> wrote:
> here's a weird one.
> HP T430 Thin Client, reloaded with OpenBSD.
> In it's intended use, it runs Linux in BIOS boot mode.  OpenBSD's
> installer will boot that way, but the kernel is unable to see the
> 16g storage device.  In UEFI boot mode, OpenBSD works well,
> including running X.  This machine has ONLY HDMI and DisplayPort
> video connections (one each).  There's no com port on the box for
> an alternative view of what is going on.
> The problem comes when I put them to work without a monitor.
> The machine will boot fine, run fine...but sysupgrade fails to upgrade
> the system.  It downloads the intended files, it reboots, and a few
> moments later, it's back up and running -- the old kernel. Plug an
> HDMI monitor in, run sysupgrade again, and it sees the upgrade marker
> and does the upgrade.  Textbook Heisenbug :-/
> For giggles, I did a sysupgrade -k (keep the files), let it reboot,
> in the root directory was bsd.upgrade as expected.  I copied

Not realy, -k keeps stuff in /home/_sysupgrade. bsd.upgrade gets deleted
by the installer.

My guess is bsd.rd panics when there is not monitor plugged in.
You could plug in a monitor to see why it panics, oh wait... :P

> bsd.upgrade to /bsd, forcing it one way or another to run
> bsd.upgrade ... and the result was a hung system.  Never came back
> after the reboot, no idea why.  When I moved it to be near an HDMI
> monitor, it promptly booted, complained about permissions on
> bsd.upgrade, but upgraded perfectly (but I am not sure which of
> the two copies of the kernel it used).
> What can I do to help provide info to determine what is going on
> here?

I can't debug this, but I can tell you a bit about the interaction
between sysupgrade(8), the bootloader and the installer in bsd.rd.

>From there you can figure out how for you got.

sysupgrade downloads the sets into /home/_sysupgrade and verifies them.
Then it creates /auto_upgrade.conf and installs /home/_sysupgrade/bsd.rd
as /bsd.upgrade. so bsd.upgrade is a bsd.rd, there is nothing special
about it. /bsd.upgrade is installed with mode 0700.
Then it execs reboot.

The bootloader checks if there is an executable(!) /bsd.upgrade
available, if so it does a chmod u-x /bsd.upgrade and boots it.
If not it consults /etc/boot.conf and boots /bsd or whatever
/etc/boot.conf says.

The installer then checks if this is an unattended upgrade by checking
if bsd.upgrade and auto_upgrade.conf are present. If so it runs an
unattended upgrade. Very early in that process, after checking the disks
and mounting all partitions, the installer delets bsd.upgrade and

So, if you end up with a /bsd.upgrade on the running system that is
still mode 0700, your bootloader is on the fritz.

If you have a /bsd.upgrade that's 0600 your bootloader found the kernel
and tried to boot it, but the installer didn't get very far.

If there is no /bsd.upgrade after a reboot and no email to root the
installer got rebooted by a watchdog process, otherwise you got an email
to root detailing the upgrade process.

I'm not entirely sure you are real.

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