> On 20 May 2022, at 18:27, Sandeep Gupta <gupta.sand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> This post here (
> http://matecha.net/posts/openbsd-on-pi-4-with-full-disk-encryption/) claims
> its possible to
> boot OpenBSD directly from USB without the need for UEFI on sdcard.
> I tried today but couldn't get it to work. I got a blank screen during the
> installation process. What I did was
> 1) updated the eeprom (bootloader)
> 2) set boot to usb
> 3) wrote install71.img onto ssd.
> The boot process did start but I got a blank screen. I was wondering if
> anyone has tried and has had success with booting
> OpenBSD directly from USB.
> Thanks
> sandeep


It’s possible to boot from USB only, it’s what I do with a special USB to NVMe 
adapter in an argon case but in the process I do, you still need a SD card and 
a TTL cable prior to boot only from USB.

1. Burn install71.img or miniroot71.img to the SD card
2. Plug the appropriate TX/RX/GND pins on the board and open a serial line 
(using cu/picocom)
3. Insert the SD card and power on the Pi
4. Install as usual to the correct USB disk
5. Reboot.

The install script uses labels in /etc/fstab which means it will just work out 
of the box.

Note: use an ethernet wire as well if you choose the miniroot, there are no 
firmware for bwfm in 7.1 IIRC.

Regarding your question, you get a blank screen because the installer in ARM 
uses serial console by default.



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