
Tom Smyth wrote on Tue, May 24, 2022 at 05:02:42PM +0100:
> On Tue, 24 May 2022 at 16:54, Gustavo Rios wrote:

>> I would like to download a pdf version of the faq and pf guide
>> for openbsd 7.1.

I assume you are talking about



  https://www.openbsd.org/faq/pf/index.html .

The OpenBSD project does not provide PDF or manual page versions
of these documents but only the HTML versions on the web.

>> May some one here point me where i could fetch the pdf documentation
>> from ?

Of course, feel free to use any HTML-to-PDF conversion program
to convert these documents from HTML to PDF yourself.

> any manual pages that you wish to convert to PDF can be done with PDF
> stuart@  had once recommended the following command for creating a nice pdf
> manual of the PF firewall
> man -T pdf pf.conf > pf.conf.pdf

Sure, but i doubt that Gustavo is trying to ask about


which is much shorter than


and also doesn't include the the rest of the FAQ.

The main reason why the FAQ is provided as online HTML documents
rather than manual pages is personal preference of the person (tj@)
who maintains these documents (for free), and also that he thinks
it is easier to get help from others maintaining these documents
when they are in HTML format than it would be if they were in
manual page format.

Around here, it isn't unusual that the person doing the work gets
to make most of the decisions involved, unless other developers
are strongly opposed to their choices.


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