Thank you for a quick reply! That is a bit sad that we only have coldStart, but 
I udnerstand.
It would be great to have traps for CPU/temperature threshold breaches for 
general stuff and addition (especially) as well as deletion of IP addresses 
from a given table.
    On Wednesday, October 19, 2022 at 02:27:17 p.m. GMT+9, Martijn van Duren 
<openbsd+m...@list.imperialat.at> wrote:  
 On Wed, 2022-10-19 at 05:13 +0000, All wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anyone know where I can find the list of snmp traps that are supported 
> by OpenBSD?

Even though a lot of work has been done lately in snmp land, traps are
still one of the main tickets I need to address. Right now only
coldStart is supported and custom traps over AgentX are dropped with a
warning send to syslog.

Since I'm doing this in my spare time I can't give you a time frame of
when I'll get around to it.

For future references, are there any specific traps you would like to
see implemented?



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