Hello, Folks,

Im reviewing our filesystem setup for OpenBSD CPEs that we deploy in the

in order to minimise the impact of Power Outages / Customer interference on
the boxes,
we install a 4G root partition /
and a 2GB /usr/local (to allow the wxallowed flag for the filesystem)

we use mfs for /tmp and /var  so that there the probability that there is a
filessytem write to the SSD is reduced (so that power failures dont cause
file system corruption)

we use the following  fstabl

#########begin /etc/fstab/###########
/dev/sd0a / ffs rw 1 1
/dev/sd0d /usr/local ffs rw,wxallowed,nodev 1 1
swap /tmp mfs rw,nosuid,noexec,nodev,-s=256000,-P=/persist-fs/tmp 0 0
swap /var mfs rw,nosuid,noexec,nodev,-s=512000,-P=/persist-fs/var 0 0
swap /dev mfs rw,nosuid,noexec,-P=/persist-fs/dev,-i=2048,-s=102400 0 0
#########end  /etc/fstab/###########

and the persist-fs folders are created by installing OpenBSD, installing
packages and running
the following commands to copy /var /tmp and /dev to a persistent location
on /
###setup commands #############
mkdir -p /persist-fs/dev
mkdir -p /persist-fs/tmp
mkdir -p /persist-fs/var
cp -Rp /var/* /persist-fs/var
cp -Rp /tmp/* /persist-fs/tmp
cp -p /dev/MAKEDEV /persist-fs/dev/
cd /persist-fs/dev/
/persist-fs/dev/MAKEDEV all

any feedback welcome, are there other folders that could be heavily written
to ?
is there shortcommings  I have ommited swap (because of flash and ssd wear
I hope this helps...
Tom Smyth

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth.

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