I have a NFS share on OpenBSD with a Windows 10 and a FireOS clients
(through VLC and Kodi). Windows 10 mounts the NFS share without issue,
but the Fire OS can't mount it either through VLC or Kodi. Before
moving to OpenBSD I had a NFS share on Fedora 34 and all my systems
could mount it.

I've found a similar problem on the lists, but it came down to NAT
issues and I don't think that is my case, since the Windows client
mounts the share successfully. Here's the entry:

I considered a version problem (NFSv3 vs NFSv4 or something of the
sort), but the version of libnfs used by both Kodi and VLC implements

My exports file (tried mapall to my user, to root, and to nobody; none worked):
/home/vitor/server -alldirs -ro -network= -mask=

My /var/log/daemon regarding the issue:
mountd[91001]: Refused mount RPC from host port 57264

VLC for Android (version 3.5.3) log:
[8fdb48f0/39db] libvlc stream: nfs_mount_cb failed: -14, 'RPC Packet
not accepted by the server'

Kodi (version 19.5) log:
NFS: Failed to mount nfs share: /home/vitor/server (mount_cb: )
GetDirectory - Error getting nfs://

Server version:
OpenBSD 7.2 GENERIC.MP#758 amd64

Any help will be much appreciated.


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