On Tue, Dec 27, 2022 at 09:25:00PM +0100, Bodie wrote:
> This one may help a little too
> https://community.silabs.com/s/article/the-role-of-stall-handshake-packet-in-usb-transfer?language=en_US

I would like to express again my grateful thanks for the help
provided.  I had the opportunity to test another webcam and Iridium
could use it without any problems.  So this issue could presumably be
hardware-related in the end.

What can be said is the webcam that Iridium couldn't access to is able
to go to a resolution up to 3840x2880 which I never could use with
video(1) without getting an mmap error message.  However, it can be
accessed in raw mode with e.g. fswebcam, so I can use my device as an
overhead scanner for books, which is fine.

For information, my limits are as follows:
$ ulimit -a
time(cpu-seconds)    unlimited
file(blocks)         unlimited
coredump(blocks)     0
data(kbytes)         1572864
stack(kbytes)        4096
lockedmem(kbytes)    87381
memory(kbytes)       16182924
nofiles(descriptors) 512
processes            256

Could it be that Iridium unsuccessfully tried to probe the device via
mmap up to this resolution?

Anyway, the good news is that using another device now gives excellent

Thank you!

-- Robert

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