On 1/6/23 02:31, Christer Solskogen wrote:
On Mon, Jan 2, 2023 at 5:14 PM Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net>


Goal: home (i.e., DHCP external network config) redundant
firewalls with CARP and PFSYNC.

Totally doable. I've been running it like that for the last 7 years at
My ISP doesn't like it when the two firewalls have different mac-addresses,

same here. :)

so I have to do some spoofing on the slave machine.
ifstated is your very good friend here.  My /etc/hostname.$extif is empty.

CARP is only in use for the internal interface.

This if my ifstated.conf on mster:

carp_up = "carp0.link.up"
carp_down = "!carp0.link.up"
carp_init = "carp0.link.unknown"

init-state auto

state auto {
         if ($carp_up)
                 set-state fw_master
         if !($carp_up)
                 set-state fw_slave

state fw_master {
         init {
                 run "route -qn flush"
                 run "ifconfig em2 inet autoconf"
                 run "pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf"

         if ($carp_down)
                 set-state fw_slave
         if ($carp_init)
                 run "sleep 2"

state fw_slave {
         init {
                 run "ifconfig em2 -inet"
                 run "route -qn flush"
                 run "route add default"

         if ($carp_up)
                 set-state fw_master

Does this actually maintain state?  I'm thinking pfsync might
not work properly when the external interface "changes" like that.
It wouldn't actually matter much in *my case*, but I'm wondering
about the more general case.



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