Hello everyone,
I'm sorry to nock the door of this mailing-list so unexpectedly! :-)
I'm now dealing with an hardware supplier of mine from Germany and soon arise 
the problem that, yes, I want a new cheap minipc that I lucky found.. but I 
can't test its compatibility with OpenBSD its purchase from Italy, and it comes 
by a proprietary format by a certain brand! Did you ever hear about that kind 
of problem?
So, with a little of "imaginationz" I searched Internet for an OpenBSD live cd 
that I lucky found:
So, next question became: is it something I can trust and suggest to my 
I'm asking, if someone can grab the hint, if it is "phisible" to have an 
official live stick/cd on openbsd.org to simplify "my" relationship and 
existance with these mysterious hardware systems :-).
Thanks and good day to everyone.
Daniele BoniniPS: I guess the topic could be already proposed but unfortunately 
I tried to check the FAQ without luck: page doesn't exist error.

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