> I have two devices around here. Let's call one devA and one devB.
> devB is my main OpenBSD workstation devA is some kind of gaming device
> which has a normal 2 channel audio jack. I want to connect the line out
> connector of devA to the line-in of devB and listen to both devices
> with my headphone amplifier connected to out/spdif of devB.

Why do you want that? I mean, what are the two simultaneous things
you want to listen to, one comming from your game console and one
from your workstation?

> In analog mode this works beside the poor quality of the mainboard
> which seems to generate a lot of noise.

That's not poor quality of the mainboard,
that's an electronic device suffering a _lot_
of interference from the electronics jungle around it.

> When switching to SPDIF the noise is gone

Yes: the digital signal does not suffer from the analog noise.

Does you headphone amplifier take the spdif output of your workstation?
(What headphone amplifier is that?)

> but the line-in output is gone too.

Meaning, you still hear the sounds that your workstation produces,
but not the sound your gaming console sends to your line-in?

> I switched to SPDIF with the following mixerctl(8) command
> `mixerctl -t outputs.mode=digital`
> I tried to set the "SPDIF_source" to something different but mixerctl
> states "Bad enum value ...". Is there any chance to mix the line-in 
> with the default output like I did in analog mode? What am I missing
> here? In azalia(4) the outputs.mode and record.mode can both be set to
> analog or digital

I see no record.mode in the mixerctl settings.

> as far as I unterstand line-in should be record?

Your mixerctl says it's an input.

> mixerctl -a

mixerctl -av might be more telling.


> ---
> inputs.dac-0:1=126,126
> inputs.dac-4:5=126,126
> inputs.dac-2:3=126,126
> inputs.dac-6:7=126,126
> record.adc-0:1_mute=off
> record.adc-0:1=128,128
> record.adc-2:3_mute=off
> record.adc-2:3=128,128
> inputs.mix_source=mic,mic2,line-in,hp,line2,line3
> inputs.mix_mic=120,120
> inputs.mix_mic2=120,120
> inputs.mix_line-in=120,120
> inputs.mix_hp=120,120
> inputs.mix_line2=120,120
> inputs.mix_line3=120,120
> inputs.mix2_source=dac-0:1,mix
> inputs.mix3_source=dac-4:5,mix
> inputs.mix4_source=dac-2:3,mix
> inputs.mix5_source=dac-6:7,mix
> outputs.line_source=mix2
> outputs.line_mute=off
> outputs.line_boost=off
> outputs.line_eapd=on
> outputs.line2_source=mix3
> outputs.line2_mute=off
> outputs.line2_dir=output
> outputs.line3_source=mix4
> outputs.line3_mute=off
> outputs.line3_dir=output
> outputs.mic_source=mix8
> outputs.mic_mute=off
> inputs.mic=85,85
> outputs.mic_dir=input-vr80
> outputs.mic2_source=mix2
> outputs.mic2_mute=off
> inputs.mic2=85,85
> outputs.mic2_dir=input-vr80
> outputs.mic2_boost=off
> outputs.line-in_source=mix2
> outputs.line-in_mute=off
> inputs.line-in=85,85
> outputs.line-in_dir=input
> outputs.hp_source=mix5
> outputs.hp_mute=off
> inputs.hp=85,85
> outputs.hp_dir=output
> outputs.hp_boost=off
> outputs.hp_eapd=on
> outputs.SPDIF_source=dig-dac-0:1
> record.adc-2:3_source=mic,mic2,line-in,hp,line2,line3,mix
> record.adc-0:1_source=mic,mic2,line-in,hp,line2,line3,mix
> inputs.dac-8:9=126,126
> inputs.mix8_source=dac-8:9,mix
> outputs.line_sense=unplugged
> outputs.line2_sense=unplugged
> outputs.line3_sense=unplugged
> outputs.mic_sense=unplugged
> outputs.mic2_sense=unplugged
> outputs.line-in_sense=plugged
> outputs.hp_sense=unplugged
> outputs.master=126,126
> outputs.master.mute=off
> outputs.master.slaves=dac-0:1,dac-6:7,line,hp
> record.volume=128,128
> record.volume.mute=off
> record.volume.slaves=adc-0:1,adc-2:3
> outputs.mode=digital
> record.enable=sysctl

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