On 5/3/23 18:30, S V wrote:

I'm trying to setup my own mail server and while I can send email to
any already tested and interesting for me domains.
I always get "delayed" with misc@openbsd.org: Connection closed
unexpectedly while trying openbsd lists.
I telnet to 25 port and see that it has extremely slow speed like 1
character per second. I telnet from other "non-mail" vps
and I see that for first seconds it is also slow, but later it become "instant".

Are there any "delay" filter for spammers? If yes then why it detects
my non-mail vps as ok and still slows my "mail server" (with existing
If there are no delay... ugh, guess I'm out of luck with my ISP ? But
then again why vps is ok?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

man spamd
It's running on the OpenBSD mail server.
also look up "Greylisting" with your favorite search engine.


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