On 2023-05-12 03:22, Stuart Henderson wrote:

On 2023-05-12, J Doe <gene...@nativemethods.com> wrote:

I was configuring Samba on my OpenBSD 7.2 server and wanted to support
iOS/iPad OS and macOS clients.

The documentation for Samba states that the following vfs options are
required to support these clients:

          . . .
          vfs = catia fruit streams_xattr

... however, my server is using UFS2 (the default), which I am aware
does not support extended attributes.

OpenBSD doesn't support xattr at all.

Would it be possible to get around that by mounting an ext2 disk image
file on OpenBSD via: vnconfig and: mount and pointing: smb.conf to it ?


You may be able to do something with

Hi Stuart,

Thanks for your reply. Ah, interesting! I had not spotted that vfs module on the Samba site.

It appears to warn against using it in production, but I will be providing service to 2-3 clients at the most, so I will give it a try and report back on anything interesting I ran into.

- J

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