On 2023-07-04, J Doe <gene...@nativemethods.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a question about an OpenBSD 7.3 host that has syspatches up to 
> today (July 4, 2023).
> I noticed in: /var/log/messages that the: syslogd process is restarting 
> every three hours:
>      /var/log/messages
>          Jun 18 11:00:01 server syslogd[83783]: restart
>          Jun 18 14:00:01 server syslogd[83783]: restart
>              . . .
> I checked: man syslogd and looked at the cron tabs on the system and 
> there doesn't appear to be anything related to the restarts.

newsyslog signals syslogd with a HUP when rotating logs.

> Is this normal and if so, what is the purpose of the restarts ?
> Thanks,
> -J

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