uname:  OpenBSD 7.3 GENERIC.MP#1125 amd64

 I get the following error message when my Thinkpad T440 wakes up:

drm:pid73944:intel_dp_aux_wait_done *ERROR* [drm] *ERROR* AUX A/DDI
A/PHY A: did not complete or timeout within 10ms (status 0xa01300e1)

I have Googled that error message and no fixes turn up. 

In other respects, my OpenBSD T440 works just great. My rc.conf.local
contains this:

pkg_scripts=messagebus cupsd mysqld

Any suggestions as to what I may have misconfigured would be helpful.
I have loaded the firmware using fw_update. This error did not occur
in OpenBSD 7.2.

Kind regards,

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