> As the primary author of OpenBSD's current fdisk/disklabel/etc. I
> was intrigued by your recent email to misc@ .... [I]f you want
> disklabel(8) to say "Linux LVM" for sd0l you would need at a minimum
> a patch to /usr/src/sys/sys/disklabel.h to add an FS_LINUXLVM define
> and the string "Linux LVM" to the immediately following
> fstypenames[] array....

Please forgive me for being unclear.

I was not asking whether my Linux volume group could be recognized by
the OpenBSD "disklabel" program as a Linux volume group, and correctly
identified as such.  That would certainly be nice, and a welcome
improvement to the disklabel program, but it was not what I was
asking.  I was asking whether Linux logical volumes can be recognized
as disk devices by the OpenBSD kernel, in the way that they can be
recognized in NetBSD, and in FreeBSD.  Thus, if I have a multiboot
computer, on which Linux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD have been installed, and
if, on the Linux system, I create a volume group named "vgname", and I
then create within that volume group a logical volume named "lvname",
then, on the NetBSD system, I can access this logical volume by using
the exact same names that are used on Linux: either /dev/vgname/lvname,
or /dev/mapper/vgname-lvname.  On FreeBSD the device name is slightly
different, on FreeBSD you say /dev/linux_lvm/vgname-lvname, but in
either case the logical volume is visible.  My question for this
mailing list was: Are Linux logical volumes visible, or can they be
made visible, on an OpenBSD system?

I have already remarked that my Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD
systems can share disk storage (e.g., the /home/jay directory) by
means of a ZFS pool, but that OpenBSD cannot, because OpenBSD does not
support ZFS, and that, therefore, installing an OpenBSD system on the
same hardware will require some duplication of otherwise shared disk
storage (and I wonder, parenthetically, why FreeBSD and NetBSD are
willing to support ZFS, but OpenBSD is not).  But if OpenBSD can see
Linux volume groups, and the logical volumes that are carved out of
them, then there can be shared disk storage among Linux, FreeBSD,
NetBSD, and OpenBSD, and that would reduce somewhat the extent to
which an OpenBSD system requires that disk storage be duplicated.

Can OpenBSD be made to see Linux logical volumes?  As always, thank
you in advance for any and all replies.

                        Jay F. Shachter
                        6424 North Whipple Street
                        Chicago IL  60645-4111
                                (1-773)7613784   landline
                                (1-410)9964737   GoogleVoice

                        "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur"

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