>This conference currently costs $1546 USD!  :-(
>what moneybags loser is going to pay up so much just to go
>to a conference?
>buy yourself a nice computer, or hell, donate the money to
>openbsd.org instead! :-D
>drop a zero or two and it would be worth the trip

Clearly you've never been to a "DragosCon".

For what you can learn and who you could meet, it's actually a 
reasonably-priced event.  It's even cheaper if you commit early.

I've been a couple of times and would definitely go again if there were more 
talks like Eric Byres' upcoming presentation on SCADA.  The stuff that Halvar 
presents usually just makes my brain hurt.

It's a trade-off... I could go to a specialized ISA or IEEE event, spend less 
money on the conference, more money on travel and accomodations, and get less 
usable information, but haul in a dozen consulting leads.  Or I could go to 
Core, spend more money on registration, less on travel, have my head blown 
apart by all the next-gen ideas, and drink beer with a bunch of cyber-nerds at 


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