Hello Misc,

I am configuring a couple of laptops for my kids, i had installed 70 with
i3 and gcompris in them, its been a while since the last update so i
decided to make a fresh install.

So I installed 74 in both of them, used the autoinstall so the process was
straightforward as always, rebooted, hw_update, syspatch, everything as

The problem comes when trying to install a package, i am trying just to of
them: feh and gcompris, in both laptops, and i get the following errors,
they are several since i do a few tries and then the problem goes and comes
at different packages

pkg_add: Ustar [package name, it is different every try, meaning
lcms2-2.15.tgz, gstreamer, libass-] [?]: Error while reading header

Read short file

My configuration are:
1 laptop, re0, trying pkg_add feh
1 laptop, iwn0, trying pkg_add gcompris

both with the same results, maybe i should try in another LAN, but could it
be a problem with the CDN server ?

Thank you for your time,

--  Manuel Solis

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