On Mon, Nov 27, 2023 at 05:51:25PM +0100, Laurent CARON wrote:
> Please find attached the relevant info:
> vmstat-m_SP_with_bgpd -> vmstat -m SP with bgpd
> vmstat-m_SMP_without_bgpd -> vmstat -m SMP without bgpd
> vmstat-m_SMP_with_bgpd_0{01..11} -> vmstat -m SMP with bgpd until crash.
> Thanks
> Laurent
> Le 27/11/2023 à 17:10, Claudio Jeker a écrit :
> > vmstat -m

So the problem is that the malloc space is filled by
a) 26540K of devbuf -- because of the multiqueue support in ixl
b) 63493K of ACPI -- what the heck ACPI?!?
and then there is not enough space for rtable. A full table requires
in your example 50816K of rtable malloc space.

Now on amd64 all of this needs to fit into 128MB which is impossible.

You can use config(8) and bsd.re-config(5) to adjust the nkmempg variable
to something like 131072 (which is 4 times the default size).
This can be verified with `sysctl vm.nkmempages`

Now ixl(4) and ACPI should not be such pigs but in the end 128MB of kernel
malloc space is just stupidly small on a system with 128GB of memory.
:wq Claudio

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