On Tue, 21 Mar 2006, Gabriel George POPA wrote:

           Hello misc,

I must install a search facility for my site. Do you know what is the most appropriate (Harvest, ht://Dig, Nutch?). I've used Nutch (from Apache.org) before on my old Slackware 10.1 machine and I didn't like it very much (a lot of things to be done by hand). I'm asking that because I know the chroot(2) facility that Apache has on OpenBSD can cause a lot of trouble.

George Popa

I installed dpsearch from http://www.dataparksearch.org. You can see it in action on http://www.wykids.org.

It isn't any trouble at all to get working in the chroot. My config file was:

./configure \
  --prefix=/dpsearch \
  --with-pgsql \
  --with-openssl \
  --with-zlib \
  --without-docs \
  --without-aspell \

This will install everything into /dpsearch, you can then make a /var/www/dpsearch and copy everything across. Documentation isn't up to OpenBSD standards, but that's a pretty high bar ;-) Still, I was able to get it running with minimum fuss.

I've been contemplating making a port, but haven't yet looked into what all is involved.

Hope that helps!


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