Quite confusing

-bash-5.2$ cd /usr/src
-bash-5.2$ mkdir /tmp/cc
-bash-5.2$ cvs diff
can't create temporary directory /tmp/cvs-serv11343
No space left on device
-bash-5.2$ uname -a
OpenBSD snaps.lan 7.4 GENERIC.MP#1600 amd64
-bash-5.2$ mount | grep tmp ; df -hl | grep tmp
/dev/sd0d on /tmp type ffs (local, nodev, nosuid)
/dev/sd0d      3.9G   28.0K    3.7G     1%    /tmp
-bash-5.2$ ls -ld / /tmp
drwxr-xr-x  17 root  wheel  512 Jan 17 10:08 /
drwxrwxrwt  10 root  wheel  512 Jan 17 10:30 /tmp

/tmp file system looks fine. Should I look for something in /etc ?

(trace of calls)
 82878 cvs      STRU  promise="stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr getpw proc exec"
 82878 cvs      RET   pledge 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c80d8,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c8098,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  pipe(0x7086174c8168)
 82878 cvs      STRU  int [2] { 3, 4 }
 82878 cvs      RET   pipe 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  pipe(0x7086174c8170)
 82878 cvs      STRU  int [2] { 5, 6 }
 82878 cvs      RET   pipe 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c8098,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  fork()
 82878 cvs      RET   fork 42338/0xa562
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c8098,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  close(3)
 82878 cvs      RET   close 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  close(6)
 82878 cvs      RET   close 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c80c8,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  fcntl(4,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC)
 82878 cvs      RET   fcntl 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  fcntl(5,F_SETFD,FD_CLOEXEC)
 82878 cvs      RET   fcntl 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c80e8,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  fcntl(4,F_GETFL)
 82878 cvs      RET   fcntl 2
 82878 cvs      CALL  fcntl(5,F_GETFL)
 82878 cvs      RET   fcntl 2
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c8098,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL
 82878 cvs      RET   mmap 14144777306112/0xcdd566d4000
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c80e8,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c7fc8,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  fstat(4,0x7086174c7ef0)
 82878 cvs      STRU  struct stat { dev=0, ino=0, mode=p--------- ,
nlink=0, uid=1000<"builder">, gid=1000<"builder">, rdev=0,
atime=1705505780<"Jan 17 10:36:20 2024">.446210510,
mtime=1705505780<"Jan 17 10:36:20 2024">.446210510,
ctime=1705505780<"Jan 17 10:36:20 2024">.446210510, size=0, blocks=0,
blksize=16384, flags=0x0, gen=0x0 }
 82878 cvs      RET   fstat 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  kbind(0x7086174c8018,24,0xa052e93ee71b438e)
 82878 cvs      RET   kbind 0
 82878 cvs      CALL  write(4,0xcdd4f7e6000,0x16f)
 82878 cvs      GIO   fd 4 wrote 367 bytes
       "Root /cvs
        Valid-responses ok error Valid-requests Checked-in New-entry
Checksum Copy-file Updated Created Update-existing Merged Patched
Rcs-diff Mode M\
        od-time Removed Remove-entry Set-static-directory
Clear-static-directory Set-sticky Clear-sticky Template
Set-checkin-prog Set-update-prog Not\
        ified Module-expansion Wrapper-rcsOption M Mbinary E F MT
 82878 cvs      RET   write 367/0x16f
 82878 cvs      CALL  fstat(5,0x7086174c7f70)
 82878 cvs      STRU  struct stat { dev=0, ino=0, mode=p--------- ,
nlink=0, uid=1000<"builder">, gid=1000<"builder">, rdev=0,
atime=1705505780<"Jan 17 10:36:20 2024">.446210510,
mtime=1705505780<"Jan 17 10:36:20 2024">.446210510,
ctime=1705505780<"Jan 17 10:36:20 2024">.446210510, size=0, blocks=0,
blksize=16384, flags=0x0, gen=0x0 }

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do

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