Pete Vickers wrote:

I have a pair of openbsd amd64 3.8+ boxes with a few shared carp interfaces. They were playing perfectly together until today. I upgraded one to the 20-03-06 snapshot ( the other is still at circa. 18-12-2005). Now both the boxes claim to be carp MASTERs, with obvious consequences.

net.inet.carp.log=1 or tcpdump don't show any problems though.

/plus39.html lists 2 carp fixes. The first releates to HMAC calc, so I disabled the carp password, without any effect. The other fix relates to a 'short' incorrect MASTER status at boot - where as mine seems to persist indefinitely.

Is this an incompatability between o/s versions, or just a passing -current hiccup ?

There is/was an issue between the two version:

Look to me that you run a snapshot that still have the issue in it, your 18-12-2005 one. I would upgrade that one to first as I know there was a problem then I point it out and that got fix quickly as well.


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