On 21/05/2024 22:04, jrmu wrote:

Here is my configuration:

Inside hypervisor:

hypervisor$ cat /etc/hostname.em1
inet 0xffffffc0
inet6 2602:fccf:400:41:: 48

Why are you using 48 as mask here and not 64?

I don't have control over the hypervisor's gateway, that is provided by
my ISP.

Okay but my question still apply here. em1 IPv6 address should have /64 as mask and not 48.

Your gateway must have a (static) route saying we can reach 2602:fccf::/36
(or a any smaller subnet you will use in your hypervisor) via
em1.IPv6.address. I will pick 2602:fccf:400::/48 as the block you plan to
use for all your VMs.

I also don't control the entire /48.

Here is the information I was given:

My IPv6 Address Subnet: 2602:fccf:400:41::/64
Hypervisor' IPv6 Gateway: 2602:fccf:400::1
I was only given a /64.

When you manage a hypervisor, using only 1x/64 is less than ideal. It's just not enough because you can have more than 1 'type of usage'. I always request at least 1x/56.

You have at least 2 solutions:

1. Use the prefix 2602:fccf:400:41::/64 for all your interfaces . For em1 , avoid the first address. It works but some device will not happily accept your packets. Use anything else between 2602:fccf:400:41::1 and 2602:fccf:400:41:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff . Again use 64 as your mask and not 48 on em1.

2. Ask your ISP 2 things:
2.1 Establish point to point with you from 1 prefix
2.2 Route you *another* prefix (as explained in my previous email).

If they find difficult to route more than 1x/64 (that will be a shame ) they can stick to 1x/64 but honestly it should not be a big deal.

Willy Manga

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