(I'm so sorry that I'm continuing this thread...)

There is quite a conflict between the core developers that don't wish to 
spend their time nicely holding newbies' hands (frankly, I don't want 
them to spend their time on that either),  and the touchy-feely people 
that think OpenBSD would progress further by not flaming to oblivion 
every new user that haplessly posts an uninformed question to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Both sides are right.

Why don't we have separate lists?  One for general questions, and gently 
guiding new users to the FAQ and man pages?  It can be all fuzzy and 
warm; a place for pleasantries. And a separate list for more experienced 
users that want to dwell in the lair of dragons.  Posters get access to 
the top people to help resolve issues, but asking a dumb question will 
get them ignored (at best).

I think this would be very beneficial to OpenBSD.  New, dumb users don't 
take up developer time, and don't get the insults that come with it.  I 
really think we have the separate lists now, with misc@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
description for misc is "General user questions and answers. This is the 
most active list, and should be the "default" for most questions."  This 
seems like the newbie list to me.  And tech@ is "Discussion of technical 
topics for OpenBSD developers and advanced users. This is *not* a "tech 
support" forum, do not use it as such. OpenBSD developers will often 
make patches to implement new features and other important changes 
available for public testing through this list."  Wonderful!

Powers that be, what say you?

Ryan Fox

[demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type APPLICATION/DEFANGED which had a 
name of rfox.22208DEFANGED-vcf]

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