
please get a grip on business "mechanics".

On Sat, 11.03.2006 at 00:48:30 +0100, Wijnand Wiersma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If there are big plans, and the companies could benefit from those big
> plans it might actually make them donate if those plans need real
> donations. It all depends on how big is the plan and how it will
> affect the usefullness of OpenBSD.

No, it will depend more on keeping the competitive edge. So, if
OpenBSD's plans are big enough to eg. threaten to obsolete their added
value, or put their competitors on a level playingfield, the likelyhood
that they will donate will DECREASE (if at all possible).

> But ok, I will shut up and go on in my little nasty dreamworld.

You should rather come out of it and face the real world, imho.


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