hi there,

las night i tried to install a mail server, i mean postfix. i tried to add 2 
users, with useradd or adduser commands but i called off. later when i tried to 
change some stuff in my passwd file, whitch i tried to edit with "vipw" it keep 
giving me this message all the time :

bash-3.00# vipw
vipw: the passwd file is busy or you cannot lock.

i try to add some user in normal mode with ordinary commands and i got this 

bash-3.00# useradd someuser
useradd: can't obtain pw_lock: File exists

I mention the fact that i've already restarted my box, i took a lock at 
KERN.SECURELEVEL whitch is 1. 

Would someone be kind to explain to me what's happen? 

thx in advance


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