hmm, on Sat, Mar 25, 2006 at 02:33:46PM -0800, Aaron Glenn said that
> Have you ever read [EMAIL PROTECTED] I mean actually read it? The only people
> that get slammed are those that deserve it. You're supposed to do your

so who decides who deserves it and who doesn't?

everybody seems to be happy about Theo's style
until they actually get burnt by it.

the problem mr de Raadt fails to see is, that he is not just
a developer working on these projects in the background who
can afford bad mouthing anyone he wants to.  he is the _front_ man.
we, the community actually get judged also by the leader of
the project.

> These days common sense and directness passes as arrogance. The *real*

common sense and directness?  you obviously have never got
a private mail from mr de Raadt.

the thread i started was about nothing else than directness.
that one cannot look down on people and then ask for their
money without a blink of an eye.  does not work like that
in the real world.

it was not about handholding, misc@ harshness, whining for
features.  the only feature i have asked for on this mailing
list for the last couple of years was t-shirts with the
stuff in the front, not the back.

flaming one's loayal user base just because they don't like
his filthy mouth is a great way to thank for the donations.

i will donate some soap to wash his mouth.

history doesn't repeat itself.  historians do.

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