I taught from C++ How to Program by Deitel & Deitel and found it to be
a good book.

Anything from O'Reilly is typically gold.

As has been mentioned, there is also the book written by the creator of
the language.

All in all, I recommend going to a book store and looking through the
suggested books and see which one speaks to you most.

best regards,
Reid Nichol

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> i need to learn C++, but do not know where to begin with textbooks or
> online
> docs. since, AFAICT, there are a great many skilled programmers on
> list, i would
> appreciate any recommendations that can be made about introductory
> and
> intermediate texts on C++.
> my motivation for asking this is to avoid purchasing texts that will
> sit on my
> shelf and collect dust. there are a great many introductory texts on
> nearly
> every subject that do just that and/or don't cover enough material in
> sufficient
> depth.
> are there any texts on best practices for writing exploit-free code?
> if you feel
> this is insufficiently openbsd related, please reply off-list to
> reduce chatter.
> cheers,
> jake
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