Hi all,

I'd like to understand if there is an average consensus about
minarchism in pro-BSD users group (from the license point-of-view)...
Do you believe that this kind of society organisation could be a great
"context" for Open Source software in general ? Could we compare the
activity of an Open Source Community with a political system ? How ?

I don't want to make a flamewar (really :), but I see some common
points in the BSD license and this political system : there are both
very simple and promote mainly individual liberty. From this point of
view, this system seems seductive, but I'm sure it has also drawbacks
that I'd like to discuss with misc readers.

Here's a definition of minarchism :
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minarchism (this article is translated in
other language, see the links)

Hope it's not too off-topic :)

Best regards,


Note 1 : Don't hesitate to reply privately if this is *really* off-topic :)
Note 2 : As I am a french guy, I've understand better the french
version of this article, which seems to be smaller and less precise
than english one.

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