On Thu, Apr 13, 2006 at 08:09:20PM +0200, Piotrek Kapczuk wrote:
> Hi
> 2006-04-13, 03:24:29, you wrote:
> > Ted Unangst wrote:
> >> On 4/12/06, Geof Crowl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Unless I am reading something wrong, isn't this:
> >>>
> >>>> If you had started from a 3.9-beta, you might have got lucky.  But
> >>>> jumping from 3.8 to 3.9 is NOT an easy process, and is completely
> >>>> unsupported.
> [...]
> > yeah, and one of these days, Nick will learn what everyone else has long 
> > figured out: don't give long, detailed answers, as someone will try to 
> > pick it apart and take it out of context, analyzing the text as if it 
> > were a fine novel, rather than a quick "I need a break from helping 
> > people at work, let's see if I can help someone on the mail list" posting.
> No, no, no. Don't you dare ! ;) Your answer was perfect. Long enough.
> It's not your fault that someone reads too fast.
> [...]
> Nick Holland wrote:
> > No, you completely ignored the "Install or upgrade to closest available
> > binary" step.  You can't do that.
> I based on http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade39.html
> There isn't any explicit sentence which says I can't do it. I guess I've
> misunderstood "Upgrading without install media". I thought it says it's
> not absolutely necessary to have install sets. I was hoping I can build
> them by 'make release'.
> "Hey, you can build it on your own just read FAQ 5 - Building the system
> from source" ;)
> No I know I was wrong, and I know _why_. My mistake.
> Thank you very much Nick for willing to explain, and for willing to give
> solutions.
> Last questions.
> [...]
> > Further, what happens if there is a critical security issue in 3.9-rel
> > before 3.9 is officially released?  -stable commits do NOT get made 
> > until 3.9 is official
> So, where do these commits go now ?  To OPENBSD_3_9_BASE ?
> People say they received CD's. The CD's were burned with frozen
> OPENBSD_3_9_BASE. Right ? So, how one should follow -stable if commits
> aren't in -stable ?

Wait for -stable to begin existing?

> > (hint: sendmail bug).
> Thanks for hint. It rings some bells, but poorly. I can't recall the
> details. What rel was then ? I can't find it on google.

It was a couple of days ago. It was fixed in -current, 3.7 and 3.8,
though, so fixing it in 3.9 might not be too difficult.


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