I am working on some IPv4 & IPv6 Interoperability stuff, and I hit a brick wall
trying to get an IPv6 UDP server to receive IPv4 packets.  It looks like that
piece was taken out per inet6(4):

"OpenBSD does not route IPv4 traffic to an AF_INET6 socket.  The particu-
 lar behavior in RFC 2553 is intentionally omitted for security reasons
 presented above.  If both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic need to be accepted, lis-
 ten to two sockets."

So if I want to add IPv6 functionality to an existing app, I would convert the
current IPv4 stuff to use getaddrinfo, and I would just open two sockets by
walking the link list provided by getaddrinfo, right?  I wouldn't try to
receive IPv4 traffic on an IPv6 socket for openBSD.

Now, I have done a cursory review of docs via google for converting IPv4 apps
to IPv6, but I haven't looked at the security issues with coding for both. 
Besides searching securityfocus, is there another site I should be reading for
IPv6?  Is KAME still relevant to the openBSD implementation?


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