Daniel Ouellet wrote:
Will H. Backman wrote:
Would there be a benefit to use the pkg_ tools to install and manage the
install sets?

I fail to see the point of it really. The install set is done at install time, or to add it if you miss it at the install.

Plus packages tools is there to take care of dependency, etc. To remove all applications and add new one, or upgraded one.

The install set are for the system and if there is upgrade to it, it's a patch.

You wouldn't want someone to do:

sudo pkg_delete etc39.tgz


sudo pkg_delete base39.tgz

for example would you?

If so, I wonder how you would still use the server?

I could imagine some benefits. Add the xserv39.tgz install set, get xbase xshare and xfont maybe. I'm not sure of the dependencies. Also packages can include post install scripts, such as making the device nodes, etc. I also don't know if the package upgrade kung-fu could eventually help upgrade the base install sets such as etc.
It was mostly a half baked question anyway.  Food for thought.

-- Will

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