
On Mon, 24.04.2006 at 15:30:55 -0400, Matthew Closson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [ wrong IP address ]
> >What could that be, and why can't I see this address anywhere?
> >
> >I'd rather not reboot only to make a change in IP numbers effective...

> Can you send us the output of "ifconfig ifname0" for example if you had an 
> fxp card then:

unfortunately, I can't.

But there were two IP addresse on there:

The remaining, correct IPv4 address, and some IPv6 address. I've now
also deleted that IPv6 address, but it's still no-go.

> Also did you do this?
> ifconfig ifname delete inet alias aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

I did:

ifconfig ifname inet aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd -alias


ifconfig ifname inet aaa.bbb.ccc.eee

which looks similar according to the manual. At least, the latter
should overwrite any remnants of the original assignment.

Trying to delete the already non-listed address yields:

ifconfig: SIOCDIFADDR: Can't assign requested address

I wasn't trying to delete an alias, but instead change the main address
to the (former) alias, and then delete the original address.

> route add default gw aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd

What? The default gateway is already set, but to a quite different

As for the 'arp' and 'route' suggestions:

 * No suspicious information turns up there. I only see remote machines
   in these displays anyway.

 * The problem now persists for several weeks. Enough time for arp to
   time out in any case.


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