---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 16:51:15 -0600
>From: "Adam Douglas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
>Subject: Re: Apache: Odd Errors with HTTPS and NameVirtualHosts  
>To: "Spruell, Darren-Perot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, <misc@openbsd.org>
>Okay, but this is only part of the problem from what I understand from
>reading the provided link. How can I have multiple sites on the same
>server then if I don't use name-based virtual hosts without using
>multiple IP addresses?

i have this running with 2 static IPs binat-ed to 2 local addresses (one of them
is an alias) that are on a single server. AFAIK, you cannot share a single
public IP for 2 sites that require separate SSL certs. if you google, it is
explained as having to do with the headers.

if you only have 1 public IP, the best you can do is

so you should get more public IPs if you want your config to work.

>Any idea about the other issue I'm having?


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