Sean Cody wrote:
On 1-Jun-06, at 10:22 AM, Andrew Pinski wrote:
On Jun 1, 2006, at 1:44 AM, Rico wrote:

Manager: George, I need a program to output the string Hello World!

You forgot one:
a lazy person

echo "Hello World!"
Why waste an extra shell process not to mention all that extra typing?

#!/bin/echo 'Hello World!'



On the other extreme...

Hire a company to develop an app.
Add $18k Java "application server" license to make it easy to program.
Add $9k IDE to make the easy to program stuff easy to program.
Add five more programmers from the programming company (and five more
  IDE licenses) when timeline starts to slip.
Wonder why you never have to buy the carpenter's tools when they
  build your house.  Or the plumbers tools.  Or...
Notice that the $9k tool these "carpenters" use is made by the
  "carpenters" themselves.
Upgrade RAM in all the developers machines (which you ALSO  provided)
  to 2G of RAM, because the IDE takes 1.5G just to load.  Delete all
  emacs jokes from local disk).
Wonder why "carpenters" who built that IDE didn't know that it needed
  that much RAM.  Or couldn't diagnose why their machines were so slow
  without it.
Look at pathetic result.  Coulda been done in perl, Apache and vi, 'cept
  it would have worked, then.
Show development company the door.  Make sure it hits 'em in the butt.
Realize that after $63k in IDE licenses, the development company STILL
  made money on the deal, and trained a bunch of their people on their
  product (and our dime)

Bring in another dev. company...
(the good news is, this one seems to be MUCH better.)

(who simply does not get "Java Application Servers". I did ask the vendor to demonstrate a "hello world" program. I was not impressed).

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