Greetings everyone!

  This question has to do with PF and DNS from my internal network to my ISP.

Here is what I have done:

Set /etc/sysctl.conf


Set /etc/rc.conf


Used the pf.conf file from the FAQ 
(  Except my "internal" is xl0 and 
my external is rl0.  rl0 gets its IP dynamically.

My network looks exactly like the one in the FAQ 

I can ping from the firewall.

But I cannot ping from any computers on the internal network.

First, does the pf.conf in the FAQ route DNS requests from the internal network?

Second, if not would someone suggest a rule to accomplish that, so that DNS can 
be handled by my ISP?
  I've tried a couple of rdr/pass combinations.  But no luck.
  Hell, I'm not even sure any rdr/pass combinations are required....doesn't 
seem like it.

Thanks and take care,

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