I have been building and testing some postfix mail server configurations recently, and I am looking for advice. I currently have postfix authenticating against the password file, but I think I want to use SQL (PostgreSQL) or LDAP, though I have limited SQL experience and only some LDAP admin experience. I will be using SMTP authentication, TLS for those that want it, I would like to enable quotas to limit the folks who don't delete messages, and I think I should be using maildir mailboxes. Of course I will install POP and IMAP
I also need to install a webmail service on the box.
This box will host no more than ~200 virtual domains, and some of my customers get a LOT of spam as their addresses were harvested and sold years ago, so I guess I will try the spamd first, but I may need to get a barracuda gateway filter to lessen the load on the box
I am looking for hints and suggestions - thanks.

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