Nick Holland wrote:

> After switching my purely in-house system from SSL to non-SSL with 
> dovecot, I must say it Sucks Less, but I'm going to be doing at home 
> what I did with the project I'm working on at work: Give up on Dovecot.

Interesting, I never tried it without SSL, so I guess I got to see the
worst behaviour.

> Yeah, I know, there are people using it without problem.  Great.  Didn't 
> work for me...over and over.  Maybe I do cruel and unusual things with 
> IMAP, but I didn't think THAT horrible...

I had used courier on a really big system before, and it worked great.
I just tried dovecot to see if it really used less RAM, and would give
me decent logging without having to patch it in myself.  I can buy more
RAM for courier if I need to.


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