On 9 June 2006, Kyrre Nygard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello!
> Just a wild thought here ...
> After noticing how much simpler it is using tags, for instance with my
> bookmarks at http://del.icio.us -- compared to hours of frustration
> trying find the right combination of folders and sub folders in my
> Firefox' bookmarks.html, I was wondering if the same approach could
> be used to arrange the UNIX filesystem hierarchy, from the root and
> up. This is just a radical thought, not yet an idea even -- but if
> somebody would be willing to think with me -- maybe we could make a
> big change.

    If all you want is some kind of file organizer for human use, you
don't need a new filesystem.  Just start a web server on localhost and
install a small wiki.  You get tags, links, permissions, text notes
associated to nodes, and a lot more.  You can also publish everything on
Internet should you need it.

    If OTOH you want to extend this model to the entire system, you'll
need a lot more than a new kind of filesystem.  Also, as somebody else
pointed out, UNIX is probably not the right place to start.  Perhaps you
should look at plan9 / inferno first.


    Liviu Daia

Dr. Liviu Daia                                  http://www.imar.ro/~daia

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